Transforming Organisations

We transform your people. Let your people transform your organisation

We believe in the transformative power of the three C’s: clarity, connection and collective intelligence.

Applied together, they are powerful catalysts for sustainable culture change.


Where are you now, where do you want to go and which obstacles does your organisation have to overcome to flourish?

We help you to gain clarity on your culture, purpose and values. We identify your strengths and show you which dynamics and habits may be holding you back.

We teach you how to communicate your values and strategy more clearly and effectively so that you can get the very best out of your teams.


How can you become a more resourceful and aligned organisation and create working environments in which people thrive?

We show you how to create  a psychologically safe environment for your people.

You will learn how to become resilient, resistant and more creative. An organisation in which constant learning and growth are the norm and where you foster powerful habits.


How do you reap the rewards of diversity to gain competitive advantages?

We show you how to activate and maximize your employees’ collective intelligence. By tapping into the powers of cognitive diversity, your organisation can become infinitely greater than the mere sum of its parts.

You learn how to inspire your people to align around your values,  purpose and action plans, and how to create a culture of mutual accountability.


at all levels

 Our approach to transforming organisations is systemic. We believe in transformation at all levels: individuals, leaders, teams, organisations. For the most powerfully transformative effects, we recommend offering one-on-one coaching to your key people and our team workshops and strategy consultation services at the same time.


It is important to seed openness to change both at an individual and a collective level, horizontally and vertically, ideally simultaneously.  That way, your leaders and employees themselves turn into the catalysts that can start to transform your organisation from within.

Integrated and aligned

What makes our approach so effective is that it is integrated and aligned. We work with the small and the big picture and integrate numerous different perspectives: our coaches, facilitators and strategy consultants all contribute their insights to help you design and implement your desired organisational transformation.


The key to successful and sustainable culture change is to take your people with you on your change journey. Developing smart strategies is not enough – you have to win hearts and transform mindsets and change habits. Ideally all at the same time. Top-down culture change rarely works. Co-creating cultures built on trust, true self-knowledge and alignment is much more powerful and effective.



Our Office

Dane John Works Gordon Road, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom, CT1 3PP

Contact Us

(+44) 79 680 35792

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

VAT Registration Number


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